What We Do
SlackBoard offers Slack Communities rich and dynamic jobpostings that are fully embedded into their existing flow. We also partner with the Slack Communities to provide insights into their community jobs.
Email Notifications
Allow your members to opt into instant or weekly email notifications about jobs. Members can add specific filters to their email preferences so that they only get notified for the jobs that meet their criteria.
Free & Paid Tiers
As a community, you always win. SlackBoard always provides a rich free tier which is vastly superior to any workflow functions you might have. In addition, our paid tier is setup such that the community gets back a signification percentage of any paid jobs on the platform. We can also help guide you in how to use those funds to help serve your community.
Community Centric
Before we built SlackBoard we spent a lot of time doing market research and testing in several Slack Communities. We found there was a massive need for high quality structured jobpostings as well as consolidated data around jobs in a community.